Boat Trip on the Maine and the Mayenne, June 30, 2023

25 people enjoyed an evening out on one of « « Vogue en Maine » boats on the Maine and Mayenne Rivers.

We boarded at 745pm at Cale de la Savatte in Le Doutre (part of Angers) and returned 2 hours later at the same place.

 Soft drinks and bubbles, cold cuts, cheeses, fresh baguettes, nuts and chips were offered to our guests free of charge.

AIW Members and 2 guests enjoyed city views and the famous St Aubin Island (600 ha - only accessible by boat).

The chair concluded his short speech by thanking all those present and he and the board hope to see you on the 29th of September at our 25th anniversary cocktail!


Thank you Ville d’Angers and Scania Group for your continuous support.



14 place Louis Imbach
49100 Angers
  • 07 49 15 70 49

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